Four Oaks Funeral Home Oneida Tn Obituaries Shocking Facts Revealed - Find contact information, view maps, and more. Amelia anne byrd, age 80, departed this life on september 18, 2025 at home in oneida, tn. She was born on september 30, 1941 to the late clifton and naomi blakley byrd. The family will hold a memorial service on saturday, february 6, 2025 at four oaks funeral home in oneida, tn at 2:00 p. m. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to. Dan was born on december 10, 1941, in. Clifton ellis, age 78 of oneida, tn passed away on monday, august 15, 2025. Born in scott county tn on october 7, 1943, he was the son of the late delbert and laura. Obituaries and announcements from four oaks funeral home, as published in the register herald Find your loved one. Date of death all recent all locations next. Bowling, 89, of oneida, departed this life on friday, august 5, 2025. Born september 21, 1932 in new river, tn. Son of the late harrison and flora (washam) bowling. At four oaks funeral home in huntsville and oneida, tennessee, we believe that arranging a personalized and professional service for a loved one should be treated with compassion. Obituary published on legacy. com by four oaks funeral home, inc. West, age 74, of oneida departed this life on november 27, 2025 at 8:45 am at home. Clifton ellis, age 78 of oneida, tn passed away on monday, august 15, 2025. Born in scott county tn on october 7, 1943, he was the son of the late delbert and laura. Obituaries and announcements from four oaks funeral home, as published in the register herald Find your loved one. Date of death all recent all locations next. Bowling, 89, of oneida, departed this life on friday, august 5, 2025. Born september 21, 1932 in new river, tn. Son of the late harrison and flora (washam) bowling. At four oaks funeral home in huntsville and oneida, tennessee, we believe that arranging a personalized and professional service for a loved one should be treated with compassion. Obituary published on legacy. com by four oaks funeral home, inc. West, age 74, of oneida departed this life on november 27, 2025 at 8:45 am at home.
Find contact information, view maps, and more. Amelia anne byrd, age 80, departed this life on september 18, 2025 at home in oneida, tn. She was born on september 30, 1941 to the late clifton and naomi blakley byrd. The family will hold a memorial service on saturday, february 6, 2025 at four oaks funeral home in oneida, tn at 2:00 p. m. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to. Dan was born on december 10, 1941, in. Clifton ellis, age 78 of oneida, tn passed away on monday, august 15, 2025. Born in scott county tn on october 7, 1943, he was the son of the late delbert and laura. Obituaries and announcements from four oaks funeral home, as published in the register herald Find your loved one. Date of death all recent all locations next. Bowling, 89, of oneida, departed this life on friday, august 5, 2025. Born september 21, 1932 in new river, tn. Son of the late harrison and flora (washam) bowling. At four oaks funeral home in huntsville and oneida, tennessee, we believe that arranging a personalized and professional service for a loved one should be treated with compassion. Obituary published on legacy. com by four oaks funeral home, inc. West, age 74, of oneida departed this life on november 27, 2025 at 8:45 am at home.