Osu Gen Eds

Osu Gen Eds - Thought i’d list some of the ges i have taken and encourage others to include their easy ges too. Let me know if you have any other questions. The general education requirements for biology majors can be found on the arts and sciences web site. Busmhr 2500 (entrepreneurship), enr 2100 (intro to environmental science), clas 2220 (classical mythology), arteduc 1600 (art and music since 1945), and history 2002. The ohio state university’s general education (gen ed) is an integral part of your undergraduate business education. *for spring 2025, please email rachel steele. 682 for access to the excel file that contains the information for both general education programs. Ohio transfer 36 (previously the ohio. Every student at ohio state completes courses in general education (ge). Although these ge courses are meant to provide a broad baseline of learning, often times the courses. In autumn 2025, ohio state launched a new general education (ge) program that reduces the number of required ge credit hours, provides undergraduate students more flexibility in. General college requirements you must earn a minimum of 121 semester credit hours to earn an arts and sciences degree. In addition to the ge, you will complete general college and major. Ohio transfer 36 (previously the ohio. Every student at ohio state completes courses in general education (ge). Although these ge courses are meant to provide a broad baseline of learning, often times the courses. In autumn 2025, ohio state launched a new general education (ge) program that reduces the number of required ge credit hours, provides undergraduate students more flexibility in. General college requirements you must earn a minimum of 121 semester credit hours to earn an arts and sciences degree. In addition to the ge, you will complete general college and major.

Thought i’d list some of the ges i have taken and encourage others to include their easy ges too. Let me know if you have any other questions. The general education requirements for biology majors can be found on the arts and sciences web site. Busmhr 2500 (entrepreneurship), enr 2100 (intro to environmental science), clas 2220 (classical mythology), arteduc 1600 (art and music since 1945), and history 2002. The ohio state university’s general education (gen ed) is an integral part of your undergraduate business education. *for spring 2025, please email rachel steele. 682 for access to the excel file that contains the information for both general education programs. Ohio transfer 36 (previously the ohio. Every student at ohio state completes courses in general education (ge). Although these ge courses are meant to provide a broad baseline of learning, often times the courses. In autumn 2025, ohio state launched a new general education (ge) program that reduces the number of required ge credit hours, provides undergraduate students more flexibility in. General college requirements you must earn a minimum of 121 semester credit hours to earn an arts and sciences degree. In addition to the ge, you will complete general college and major.

Osu Gen Eds