The Unbelievable Pay Scale Of Amazon Dsp Drivers Stop Scrolling Start Driving - Remember when they said we'd be getting a $3 raise from the 15. 00 minimum, but it was actually capped at $1. 50. Amazon are the crooks and dsp's become the henchmen. Amazon holds the dsp owners to ridiculously high standards. That get pushed onto you. All dsp companies offer benefits but they're not very good and you pay for it mostly out of. Most people at my dsp burn out and we turn new drivers into people that quit sometimes not even in one full week. I've been with this dsp working 5 days a week now for almost 7 months. My dsp just gave everyone a raise to a measly $18. 50 an hour 😭. Only $50 that’s crazy. Mine are 40/80/120 max. My dsp used to do company bonus as a whole. But they got rid of that and. Newly funded benefits are set to include an educational stipend for drivers in “participating dsps” of up to $5,250. Carlos Palacios 28 Stockton Policefav Event Invitations
Remember when they said we'd be getting a $3 raise from the 15. 00 minimum, but it was actually capped at $1. 50. Amazon are the crooks and dsp's become the henchmen. Amazon holds the dsp owners to ridiculously high standards. That get pushed onto you. All dsp companies offer benefits but they're not very good and you pay for it mostly out of. Most people at my dsp burn out and we turn new drivers into people that quit sometimes not even in one full week. I've been with this dsp working 5 days a week now for almost 7 months. My dsp just gave everyone a raise to a measly $18. 50 an hour 😭. Only $50 that’s crazy. Mine are 40/80/120 max. My dsp used to do company bonus as a whole. But they got rid of that and. Newly funded benefits are set to include an educational stipend for drivers in “participating dsps” of up to $5,250.